Eleven different Indian communities from the Chippewa (Ojibwe) and Sioux (Dakota/Lakota) tribes have roots in Minnesota (1). Yet, they are not taken into consideration by the education system in Minnesota, which helps explain why it is not working effectively for this group of students. Educators need to know and take tribal government, history, language and culture of American Indians into account in order to be able to educate all students. Each aspect of American Indian life is important f...
This is me and my little bro this Halloween. He was Frank Sinatra and I was "Tangled Up In Blue".
This is me and my little bro this Halloween. He was Frank Sinatra and I was "Tangled Up In Blue".
I'm writing a curiculum letter that is suppose to explain my plans during 150 literacy minutes each day for a year! I know there are a lot of teachers (and parents) on JU, and I'm calling for your input ASAP! Here is a rough rough draft. The begninning half is more finished than the end, which is just notes. Any input will be valued. Dear Families, This year in third grade, we will explore various science, social studies and math themes using literacy-based curriculum. Through my ...
Read through the end of the label...haha. They're so sneaky!
Read through the end of the label...haha. They're so sneaky!
I think I need your opinions, Joe Users. Breast feeding in public. I don't get the hype. Breasts serve many functions, one of which is nursing a human baby. When nursing, breasts are being used non-sexually. So, why are so many people against nursing in public. I was discussing breast feeding with a group of my friends. The two women said they would never do it in public. One of them even ripped on her sister-in-law for breast feeding at the state fair without a blanket covering her...
Elmer Anderson, a past governor for MN died. I didn't know who he was until today, but I should have. Self-proclaimed a liberal republican, he was mighty progressive. The glue company that he ran for years was one of the first to give employees paid vacation time with one stipulation. They could only use it to do something fun. He also thought that since famous people like Dr. King get a day for their birthdays, so should his empolyees. Everyone got their birthdays off! How rad is...
I used to cry. Once in a while, but real big when it happened. I'd shake. He'd wrap his big hands around my head and press my face into his chest. I'd shake there and he'd rock me back and forth, soothing me like he'd always done, even back to when I didn't sleep the nights through. When I left I saw him cry for the first time for me. It was for me, no one else. I admit it. It felt good. I got to sever the ties. I had the power. I got to move on. He had to deal with his first...
I actually heard this twice this week, believe it or not. If you can guess one, maybe it'll earn you an insightful... "Yeah, I'd totally bone you." -A and -J, on seperate occasions Stop thinkin' dirty...!
I actually heard this twice this week, believe it or not. If you can guess one, maybe it'll earn you an insightful... "Yeah, I'd totally bone you." -A and -J, on seperate occasions Stop thinkin' dirty...!
With my youth club, I went to the Raptor Center today. They were facinated. They got to see raptors poop, talk about vomiting, and talk about viscious things like how hooked beaks work well to meat off other living things. Yikes! I was facinated. I can't wait to go back and have them bring journals. Think of all the things they could write about! Turkey vultures have bald heads because they eat so many gross things that their head would be nasty if it were covered in feathers. They...
To Grandpa: WWII. To Uncle Steve: Vietnam. To all who served and now promote peace. ll
Sick to death of the old, stinky, hand me down couch we had in our tiny apartment, we decided to make a change. We went couchless! Where do you sit, you ask?? On a LoveSac! We have a 6 foot bean bag, but it isn't really a bean bag because there is no beans in it. It's made from the material that is inside couches. So, there is the stuffing sac, and then a cover that goes over the stuffing sac. For covers, you can choose from a varieties to match your decore. We chose gray courderoy. I...
Top Picture Books Story Books (folklore, fantasy, contemporary fiction, historical fiction) Base, Graeme. The Discovery of Dragons. Harry N Abrams Inc. 1996. Fantasy, Elementary °Carle, Eric. The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Philomel Books. 1987. Fantasy, Lower Elementary °*Gaiman, Neil. Illustrations by Dave McKean. The Wolves in the Walls.Harper Collins. 2003. Fantasy, Elementary Gwynne, Fred. A Chocolate Moose for Dinner. Simon & Schuster. 1988. Fantasy, Early Ele...