yeah baby
Published on November 11, 2004 By LeapingLizard In Misc
Sick to death of the old, stinky, hand me down couch we had in our tiny apartment, we decided to make a change. We went couchless! Where do you sit, you ask?? On a LoveSac! We have a 6 foot bean bag, but it isn't really a bean bag because there is no beans in it. It's made from the material that is inside couches. So, there is the stuffing sac, and then a cover that goes over the stuffing sac. For covers, you can choose from a varieties to match your decore. We chose gray courderoy. It's the most comfortable lifestyle change I've ever made...and fun, not only for naughty things (hehe) , but also just for chillin'. Three people fit easily to watch a movie or sleep. Beats a couch by a long shot!

Here is a pic from the LoveSac site. Our LoveSac is a size bigger than this one, I think.

Here is the site, if you like.

Keep on lovin'


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