Always searching for quality childrens book, here are a few that I found and reviewed. I highly reccommend these books for children, as they are quality literature, amazingly illustrated, and of high interest to kids. Williams, Mo. Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! Hyperion Books For Children. 2003. Gernre: Fantasy This book takes interacting to another level when it speaks to the audience. It takes a direct approach to addressing the reader, making the pigeons emotions a hi...
Top Picture Books Story Books (folklore, fantasy, contemporary fiction, historical fiction) Base, Graeme. The Discovery of Dragons. Harry N Abrams Inc. 1996. Fantasy, Elementary °Carle, Eric. The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Philomel Books. 1987. Fantasy, Lower Elementary °*Gaiman, Neil. Illustrations by Dave McKean. The Wolves in the Walls.Harper Collins. 2003. Fantasy, Elementary Gwynne, Fred. A Chocolate Moose for Dinner. Simon & Schuster. 1988. Fantasy, Early Ele...