Literacy Plans For 2nd/3rd Grade Split Classroom
Published on November 23, 2004 By LeapingLizard In Misc
I'm writing a curiculum letter that is suppose to explain my plans during 150 literacy minutes each day for a year! I know there are a lot of teachers (and parents) on JU, and I'm calling for your input ASAP! Here is a rough rough draft. The begninning half is more finished than the end, which is just notes. Any input will be valued.

Dear Families,

This year in third grade, we will explore various science, social studies and math themes using literacy-based curriculum. Through my experience with MN reads, I have come to believe that an education that is literacy based using children’s literature, allowing for social interaction, and driven by informal assessment is the most effective. Following is a description of beliefs about literacy, my plans for our 150 literacy minutes each day, some ideas I will use to meet the needs of all students, and an explanation of how I will be assessing students.

As I feel children’s literature is well suited for learning, I plan to place more of a focus children’s literature and student’s writing than on textbooks to inform my students. In addition to learning factual information, using children’s literature also allows children to be entertained, improve their own writing and reading skills, and explore their feelings in meaningful settings. We will be focusing heavily on revision and expansion individual of writing and some on editing process.

I am an advocate of social learning based in Vygotsky’s principles. I believe a gradual release of responsibility to be key in children taking responsibility for their own education and the best way to assure students’ progress. I will be using a learner-focused approach that allows for active learning in a supportive and emotionally safe environment where instruction will build from students’ current knowledge in a Piagetian fashion.

The classroom organization and management will support the focus on the above principles and theories of learning. Students will sit tables when necessary, but comfortable floor space including cushions, beanbags, and chairs will be available during our reading and writing time. We are building a classroom library that includes high quality, high interest children’s literature at many levels from each genre so that each child can read independently and at the instructional level. During independent reading, children will be encouraged to keep a reading journal, partner read, and discuss reading with each other quietly. I will be reading independently, as well as meeting with students in groups and individually to discuss their selections. We will be writing in many forms as a class, in groups, and individually, using writers workshop. High standards will be modeled and set. Each student will be taught how to self-select, read independently, and check their own comprehension, as well as revise their own writing. When students have some ownership in their own literacy experience, there are few management problems.

Insert: Some about the library selections. Selections from parallel cultures.

We will be using a reading program that is based in high quality children’s literature. Some literature will be read aloud to the class. During this time, comprehension strategies will be explicitly taught using scaffolding. Reading passages aloud, I will model comprehension strategies, let students assist me in using strategies, assist students in using strategies, and encourage students to use the strategies independently. A perfect opportunity for them to use these strategies in an authentic setting is during our Book Clubs.

Each month, students will participate in one thematic Book Club. Each group of four to five will read a different book that ties into a theme. Books will be varied across genres to ensure that each student reads some non-fiction, contemporary fiction, historical fiction, fantasy, poetry, folklore, and biography/autobiography. Books within a theme will be selected to promote in-depth discussion, evoke multiple interpretations, and model literary elements. Students will read books individually, in partners, or as a group depending on the needs of the students.

While reading Book Club books, students will keep a response journal. The purpose a response journal is to prepare students for discussion, provide a place for students to write their thoughts, and teach students how to check their own comprehension.

During Book Club discussions, students will be encouraged to present their own interpretation of the book. Since each person’s prior knowledge will affect their interpretation, students will experience disequilibria, acquire new knowledge, make accommodations, and return to a state of equilibrium with a deeper understanding of the text. Through this process, students will have a chance to share their ideas orally and model their comprehension skills for others.

I will be using informal assessments to measure how well student’s reading skills are developing. By looking through student’s response journals and participating in Book Club discussions, I’ll be able to see each student’s strengths and weaknesses.

Insert: Writer’s workshop will be used to develop the writing student writing skills. Individualized. Assessed informally, anecdotally, copies of writing process.

Insert: Value Response Journals have in improving writing

Insert: Craft Lessons based on Book Club Units.

We will be creating and maintaining multiple word walls including one based in science terms, one based in math terms, one based in social studies terms, and one titled Wise Words, which is general vocabulary.

Insert: Personal Journals, teacher communication tool.

Insert: Other assessments. Running Records. Self-Assessments. Perr-Assessments. Willingness to present idea’s orally.

on Nov 23, 2004
Come on, JU...don't be shy. I need your help! I know you teachers are out there.

Now Begging,
on Nov 23, 2004
You are very thorough. You state your case and your point and things to back it up. I know that classroom literacy has been a large issue since NCLB. Being a student teacher in the field of music, I even have literacy requirements. Just make sure your literature is diverse and include something about the arts!
on Nov 23, 2004

It's good.  As a parent, I wouldn't have any problems with your fact, I'd be pleased with them!

Good job!

on Nov 23, 2004
Very thorough, LL...I usually do a curriculum overview letter to parents at the beginning of the year...I do however, try simplify information and explanations as much as I can for those parents not too familiar with Educational Terms, Philosophies, and Programs.

Also, I do "bullet" or "asterisk" important details in notes...I think it can overwhelm a parent if they read lengthy paragraphs of information and such.
I just try to make it easier for them.

I actually think that my students' parents get a better idea of what we are doing when they come into the classroom and actually see the classroom setup and the "products" the students are producing. I know some parents rarely set foot into their kids' sending home stuff is basically our only option. (Do you have regular parent nights, btw? We have about three a year).

Maybe sending home writings or reading responses that the students have produced (based on your school's literacy initiative) could give parents a good idea of what they are doing (which, you probably already do, anyway).

All in all, you seem to know your stuff pretty darned well...I'm sure parents will feel great in having a highly qualified person teaching his/her child.

on Nov 24, 2004
alison & dharma
Thanks for the support! NCLB does make things difficult, but I think it's a good thing that we all have to rethink the way we teach reading, writing, listening and speaking.

Thanks for the feedback. This is sort of a mock curriculum letter about my literacy program. It would actually be shown to the principal to highlight my plans, and a simpler version would be sent home to the parents. In the parent's version, I will definitely use bullets.

I'll post a final version when I finish it so you all can see how you've helped me!

Thanks Again,