After a long break fron Joe User, I have wandered back. The addiction will always be here.
Since I was last here, I have doing tons of yoga, teaching, gardening, and going to Moonshine Flush shows.
Most recently, I worked with a teen group in St. Paul. We had pool days, camp days, art days, cooking days, car wash days, science days, dance days and painted a mural, which took about a week. The funniest qupte from the summer was on the bus ride home from one of our feild trips. One of the girls turned around and asked my, "What's semen??" I just finished that up on Friday with a lock-in sleepover It was quite the experience. There were video games, movies, cooking, junk food, truth or dare, foot massages, facials, a talent contest, and almost no sleeping.
Yoga only takes up a couple hours a day, and my garden is containers only on my balcony. It takes so little time to care for!
So here I am...with nothing to do...back on JU...browsing the postings again.