Published on January 13, 2005 By LeapingLizard In Misc
In response to the textbook sticker discussion, I have only this to share. It was given to me by the wonderful author Lisa Peters, who wrote the childrens book Our Family Tree. She is regularily asked to visit schools and do book talks. Occasionally, the school will ask her not to talk about this book in particular. Her response, following that request, is to talk about none of her books. Anyway, I find this a humerous response to the whole sticker on science books issue. Hope you can read them!

on Jan 13, 2005
Funny stuff But open mind, studied carefully, and critically considered does seem to be the way to read books. Well, unless they are joke books, then you just laugh
on Jan 13, 2005
Holy Sticker Shock Batman!!!! ;~D
on Jan 13, 2005
This post is EXCELLENT.

Kick ass, I'm glad I had an "insightful" left.
on Jan 13, 2005
open mind, studied carefully, and critically considered does seem to be the way to read books

Yeah...I know...pretty general concepts. I wish more people read this way instead of accepting everything they read, but you already knew that

This post is EXCELLENT.Kick ass, I'm glad I had an "insightful" left


Holy Sticker Shock Batman!!!! ;~D

on Jan 13, 2005
Great stuff. Is there a printable version?
on Jan 13, 2005
Some of those stickers are funny. But the one about special relativity is dumb. There are a lot of physicists that fully understand Special Relativity. If they didn't, it would be taught to first year undergraduate physics students.
Plus, some of those are stupid and derogatory. To equate the the theories in physics, which have been observed to be true countless times, to the notion that species change into new species, which has never been observed, is insulting to physics.
on Jan 13, 2005
Is there a printable version?

Well, I found one that is almost the same. A few of the stickers vary, but it's the same general concept. It should be printable.

on Jan 14, 2005

to the notion that species change into new species, which has never been observed, is insulting to physics.

Is it truly insulting? I suppose it seems to depend on if you value evolution on a species turning into another species or look at it in the form of a species adapting to better suit it's own needs, which has been observed. Also, the only reason that it may seem stupid or derogatory is because it is a response to something that is stupid or derogatory. Shock value I suppose. Anyway, it gets the point across, and I hope this didn't come across as angry, because it wasn't meant to be.
on Jan 14, 2005
This is quite entertaining....take it a step further and it should be in The Onion, which by the way, is blocked through my schools server because:
You cannot access the following Web address: This site is blocked under
the following categories: Jokes, Profanity

I understand the Jokes, but profanity, I mean come on, every kid swears...oh wait, I mean jokes, yeah,
why no jokes?


Great Post
on Jan 15, 2005

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaha  (hearty laffter altho the reader is advised alternative interpretations--no matter how ridiculous or unlikely--should possibly be considered i guess).

no question bout the insightful youre gettin from me tho. 

on Jan 15, 2005
Excellent post, LeapingLizard. You get an insightful from me. So too would Lisa Peters, were I able.

'Plus, some of those are stupid and derogatory. To equate the the theories in physics, which have been observed to be true countless times, to the notion that species change into new species, which has never been observed, is insulting to physics.'
Two comments on this, nmrhth. (1) As pointed out on the stickers in question, neither continental drift nor gravity have been directly observed either. (2) Scientific theories are not observed to be true - they are observed to be false. If observations support a theory a million times in a row but then fail to do so once, it needs tweaking (at the very least) and is thus disproven. (Don't they teach that to first year undergraduate physics students? )
on Jan 15, 2005
Excellent post, LeapingLizard. You get an insightful from me. So too would Lisa Peters, were I able.

Thanks! Lisa Peters is really a great author. She's such an intelligent person, as well. That's not to say that all authors aren't intelligent, she's...well...she's well spoken. She has convictions. She really believes in things, enough to do what she loves.

Glad to make ya laugh, kingbee.
on Jan 16, 2005
Hilarious. Thanks for the post. I sent it on to friends.