During second hour today, that guy was there again. Uhg, I thought. Hasn't he cause enough trouble already? The lesson starts uneventfully, as far as kid on kid teasing goes. Then I hear Quincey (the one who wouldn't stop with the penis jokes that I apparently don't get cause I'm a teacher) start in on Willy again. Today he's saying, What's your name again? What's your name again? Come on...Say it. I am particularily concerned because this is only Willy's second week of school at NE. He transferred from the suburbs, and he's a bit sensitive and in a cultural shock, I think. He's not used to the city stuff! So, Quincey is picking and picking. This volunteer that was egging this teasing on in front of me last week walks up and says "His name is Big Willy!" Quincey bursts out laughing. This guy is ridiculous. I guess he's from the U of M. I can't believe him. 23 years old, even, and he's still engaging in this tortuous middle school teasing. He's suppose to be a freakin' role model! He's is disrupting the class, causing psychological damage, and participating is behavior that makes me wonder who the heck let him into this school.
Not to mention, he's ugly. That doesn't help. I didn't notice until today. And, yup, I think he never got his chance to tease people in his middle school years because he always got teased. Now, he's back and he's teasing. What a loser.