**warning: this article contains some not so adult material, although some would like to think it so**
Published on November 18, 2004 By LeapingLizard In Misc
I think I need your opinions, Joe Users. Breast feeding in public. I don't get the hype. Breasts serve many functions, one of which is nursing a human baby. When nursing, breasts are being used non-sexually. So, why are so many people against nursing in public.

I was discussing breast feeding with a group of my friends. The two women said they would never do it in public. One of them even ripped on her sister-in-law for breast feeding at the state fair without a blanket covering herself and the baby. It's 100 freaking degrees out there in the blarring sun! I wouldn't put a blanket over myself either. She literally threw a blanket over her sister-in-law, embarassed as ever. I don't understand.

So, I guess I'm pro-public breast feeding. I don't care if someone sees my udder. Big deal. If they are uncomfortable, I guess they can leave. It's a natural process that we all go through, along with all the other mammals. Why should women have to hide it?

Oh my gosh...I have to feed my baby...better go hide...oh no...my breast is about to explode from all the pressure because I can't find a place to hide so I can feed my baby...Ahhhh! We don't scoff at kittens when they are feeding. That's cute.Hhhmmm.

Anyone willing to join me in the por-public breast feeding movement?
PPBF - People for Public Breast Feeding!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Nov 18, 2004
I don't understand why people would get offended over something that is natural and beautiful. I think they are being silly and seeing sex in everything that they can't even take seeing a mother breastfeeding her child.
on Nov 18, 2004
Taken from a previous TW article (link provided above! Hope I'm not crossing a line here TW!)

"Guys (and girls) . . . yes, breasts are fun to play with. But they don't exist entirely to entertain and excite you. They have a higher calling."
................Texas Wahine.................

You nailed it! Wanna join PPBF?

natural and beautiful.


on Nov 18, 2004
Wanna join PPBF?

Most definitely. Breastfeeding my youngest child for a full year (and then some) is one of the accomplishments in my life that I am the most proud of.
on Nov 18, 2004
Breastfeeding my youngest child for a full year (and then some) is one of the accomplishments in my life that I am the most proud of.

This is much healthier. The longer the better, when considering the health of the baby. Some cultures nurse thier babies until they won't take it anymore...
on Nov 18, 2004
While I'm at it, and if you have the time and inclination to read it, here's my other breastfeeding article.
on Nov 18, 2004
I laugh at people who freak out about it.
But there are some Feaks out there who stare and try to peek, when it's a baby eating, for cryin out loud!
on Nov 18, 2004
I'm pro-naked women in public.
on Nov 18, 2004
One guy told me that his cousin was expecting. While talking to his cousin's husband, he said, "She'll be breast feeding, I assume." The husband's response? "No, she won't. Those are my breasts, and I don't want to share."

His breasts? They're only his if he gives birth too. Sounds like he was more of a baby than the soon-to-be infant. The breast has been so overly sexualized that people forget it has a very real function.

I'm all for PPBF. (did you see the Charmed episode where Piper was asked to leave a restaurant for breast feeding? )
on Nov 18, 2004
I support the right for women to breast-feed in public... especially if I'm the one being fed.
on Nov 19, 2004
I support the right for women to breast-feed in public... especially if I'm the one being fed.

Messy...you're nasty! Have you ever tasted breast milk? Yuck..!

(did you see the Charmed episode where Piper was asked to leave a restaurant for breast feeding? )

I didn't..is Piper the cat, or am I thinking of the wrong show?

I'm pro-naked women in public.

Naughty, naughty...

on Nov 19, 2004
PPBF? Of course i'm up for it!
All the women i know in Vanuatu would breastfeed their babies in public. I mean this is still a very traditional society where there are people in the outter islands still living like their ancestors lived ages ago: with women wearing only skirts, and men only wearing malmals or nambas (leaves that only hide the penis)... So, hum, breastfeeding in Vanuatu hardly shocks anyone here
on Nov 19, 2004

I'm pro-naked women in public.

I've been overseas and seen those near naked women in public ( most of the beaches were at least topless) Trust me, the 1 in 10 that are lookin' good won't make up for the oher 9.

On the breast feeding, go, do it in public but be a little descrete. For example if your sportin' a set of DDs don't just flopem out in the middle of the food court at the mall, find one of the benches in a lower traffic area.

on Nov 19, 2004
I didn't..is Piper the cat, or am I thinking of the wrong show?

I think you must be. It's a WB show with re-runs on TNT... three sisters are witches known as the Charmed ones... i just thought about it when I read the article.
on Nov 19, 2004
For example if your sportin' a set of DDs don't just flopem out in the middle of the food court at the mall, find one of the benches in a lower traffic area.

Heh. I breastfed my son at the table at the restaurant, in the seats at the movie theater, in the back pew at church, on the couch at a friend or family member's house, pretty much anywhere I could find to sit down, and I didn't hide myself away or use a blanket. I learned very quickly how to be discreet and not draw attention to myself. I could nurse him while walking, but I only did that at home.
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