**warning: this article contains some not so adult material, although some would like to think it so**
I think I need your opinions, Joe Users. Breast feeding in public. I don't get the hype. Breasts serve many functions, one of which is nursing a human baby. When nursing, breasts are being used non-sexually. So, why are so many people against nursing in public.
I was discussing breast feeding with a group of my friends. The two women said they would never do it in public. One of them even ripped on her sister-in-law for breast feeding at the state fair without a blanket covering herself and the baby. It's 100 freaking degrees out there in the blarring sun! I wouldn't put a blanket over myself either. She literally threw a blanket over her sister-in-law, embarassed as ever. I don't understand.
So, I guess I'm pro-public breast feeding. I don't care if someone sees my udder. Big deal. If they are uncomfortable, I guess they can leave. It's a natural process that we all go through, along with all the other mammals. Why should women have to hide it?
Oh my gosh...I have to feed my baby...better go hide...oh no...my breast is about to explode from all the pressure because I can't find a place to hide so I can feed my baby...Ahhhh! We don't scoff at kittens when they are feeding. That's cute.Hhhmmm.
Anyone willing to join me in the por-public breast feeding movement?
PPBF - People for Public Breast Feeding!