Are we cursed?
Published on November 7, 2004 By LeapingLizard In Misc
This week has been insane. Besides all the hope and joy of my social circle that turned into saddness and anger early in the week (not meant to be an offensive comment, just some feelings!) one event after another seems to have sabotaged our (my boyfriend and my) life. It's unbelieveable.

My boyfriend works at a research center for health care and the likes. The manager there tend to not like men with facial hair or earings (or so I hear). He was on the phone and reading while it dialed. She came up and stood behind him saying, 'I'll be taking this. You can get it back at the end of the shift' She confenscated his book! What adult takes something from another 27 year old adult without warning? He's not in middle school, for crying out loud!

Election day! We got up early to go to the polls, planning to stop for coffee on the way. The coffee shop didn't open until 7:00, the same time as the polls. Alright...we waited, in the the rain and 40 degree weather. We got the coffee, went to the polls, and waited for another hour in the cold to get in. We voted and left. Doesn't sound so bad yet.

I went to the elementary school to see my fifth grade class. The lead teacher there gives me a huge speech about why Iraqis and Israelis will never get along because of their lineage. Apparently, Iraqis are the children of the bastard child of Sara and Abraham, and Israealis are the children of Sara and Abraham's child in wedlock. I just listen. Then I have to listen to her story about how she left a political poster in her front window of her car parked by the entrance of the school, which happened to be a polling place. I already told this story on Teacher Crosses Political Lines.

So, after the torture of being stuck in a room with someone who couldn't be further from my political stance on election day, I'm freed, sort of.

I proceeded to the middle school Youth Club that I lead on Tuesdays. I wait for a half hour, wondering why the Americorps woman hasn't showed up yet. The kids get out of school and I hear an announcement for them that Youth Club is cancelled. Thanks for letting me know, damn, I'm the one who runs it?!

We woke up to find, as if we didn't already know (we were hopeful) that the candidate we wanted for president didn't win. It just felt horrible. Uhg.

This isn't related to the election, but my boyfriend lost his healthcare on Wednesday as well. He gets it through the state. His income level is just on the border between two different plans. They keep switching him back and forth. This time, the paper work isn't moving fast enough, so there is a gap in time. It's no fault of his. He got a letter in the mail that gave him four days to get a form filled out from his employer. He gave it to his manager (not the mean one!) who said two days later, that it had to be sent to some central department. He hasn't seen it since and she keeps saying it's on it's way. He called his health care person (I don't know exactly what to call it...?) who said to send in some proof of employment.paystub/w-2s, which he did, but not fast enough. Sop here he is without health care, and noone can tell him what's going on.

Gambling is an option, so this isn't all that bad, but if you play cards, you'll know what I mean. My boyfriend and brother went to a card club that my brother plays at regularily. They played Texas Hold 'Em,their game of choice. Decent hand after hand, they lost. Aces and Kings, Full Houses, Straights...the whole deal. The cards were there for them, and for that other guy every time. Really, they only lost $100 dollars between the two of them, but for us, that's a lot...

Then, he found my ATM card under the seat in the car. That's not bad, but I lost it a year ago! We searched the car then and couldn't find it. I spaz about that kind of thing. I can't seem to help it, even though I know I'm doing it. I chalk it up to insanity. But, anyway, he finds it now! What the heck? How had we not found it for a year!?

This morning is the morining that my boyfriend was suppose to take his driver test. I know it sounds weird (he's much older than 16!), but he was an international kid, so he never got it in his teenage years. My brother takes him down to the testing station. The tester looks them up and down. My boyfriend knew he was screwed. (It's so sad because he even dressed up for it...what a cutie!) The tester takes him out to the car and when they were checking the turn signals, one didn't work. The tester said, 'you've got 20 minutes to get down to CheckerAuto and fix it or you can't take the test today.' So, it's a race. My brother drives, they get the bulb, but CheckerAuto doesn't have the right shaped screw driver to take the cover plate off. It's over now. They drive back to my dad's house, get the tool and take the cover plate off the blinker. It turns out, the bulb had jiggled it's way out of the socket! Does that ever happen?? I couldn't believe it!

On the way to work, my boyfriend, who normally has weekends off, took the same bus he takes during the week, no thinking twice. It took him to the wrong side of campus. Apparently, there is a different route on the weekends. This is at 8am on the weekend. And he's not a morning person, by any means. After the shift ends, after hours of being harassed by the mean manager that thinks she has the right to confenscate things from other adults, he's so flustered that he forgets to put in his shift requests for this up coming week. Now he has to go back when he isn't even working!

Later that day, we had to return a keg from our Halloween party. Ther was Sprite on sale at the liquor store, so my boyfriend grabbed one. Aparently he left it there. We went to have some that night, and it was no where to be found.

I woke up with a migrain. I have two kinds. The long, all day in bed with the shades shut where any breeze of air causes a throb, and the super intense two hour ones that end with puking. It was the second kind. So, luckily it's gone now, but those two hours, man. I wished I'd just die.

Are we cursed??

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