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On A Warm Rock
Sleeping Habits: Alone and With Others
specifically, a virgo
Published on October 28, 2004 By
Sleeping alone is different. It's so refreshing, assuming you know your partner will be back. For the second time in over three years, I get to sleep alone tonite.
I get a whole bed to myself. It's almost unbelievable.
Being just over 5 feet tall, I don't take up much room in the bed. It's only a double, but still, I keep to my side leaving room for the other one. He'd over 6 feet tall, and lanky! Long arms and legs get tossed around the bed all night. Sometimes I feel like I'm hiding from some kind of creature, scrunching way over to one side of the bed. Then I lose the covers battle all together since my strength when I'm sleeping is no match for his when he's sleeping. I wake up freezing and literally have to sit up and yank with covers with all my might to get them out from under him.
Sometimes, he has insomnia, in which case, he really tosses and turns. There is so much force over the night that the top matress slowly gets shifted to one side. Somehow, it's always my side. So there I am, hugging the edge of the bed to get away from the insomniatic flailing armed creature, trying to sleep, with the matress I am laying on floating in mid-air!
So, I move, just a little, toward the middle. I try to move without making the bed move at all so that I won't wake hime up, on the off chance that he just fell asleep, which is always the case if I do make any noise! If I do manage to slide over enough so I'm not sliding off onto the floor with the matress, within moments, he notices.
It's like he has a booty radar! I sleep with my back to him As soon as he senses my booty moves toward him, he wakes up within minutes and asks if I could move over "just a little." He claimes I sleep in fetal position with my butt facing him. I know better! I'm too busy taking up the 8 inches on the edge of the mattress that is slowly sliding off the bed because of his insomniatic limbs that have been flying around all night!
The other thing is that he's a tucker, and he likes the bed neat. I'm not. I can't stand when my feet are all bundled up in sheets. Sleeping bags are totally out of the question, unless they are unzipped. So, he keeps his side of the bed all tucked in neat, and I rip my out each night before I go to bed. On the nights that he sleeps restlessly, his side of the sheets and blankets start to get all untucked as well (as they should be). After a while, he gets so frustrated that he gets up to fix the sheets on his side, tucking them back in. When he's up, he notices that the matress has slid off by a few inches. He decides, being big enough to move the matress with me asleep on it, that he'll just move it back. The virtual hurricane makes me feel like I'm jolted awake with vertigo. And he thinks I'm unreasonable! He moves the whole bed!
I'm not being mean. It's actually kind of comical. I have a tendancy to talk in my sleep, as well, and do things that I don't remember the next morning. He claims that I get sassy when he asks me to move over, and that I usually take up the majority of the bed. I don't think so. I think sleep deprevation sometimes makes him imagine things in the night
Tonite, it'll be different! I'm changing the sheets so they are crisp and cold, sleeping with the wondow wide open (yes, in Minnesota!) so it gets nice and cold in there. I'm sleeping across the bed the wrong way with pillows strewn everywhere and all the blankets I can find piled on at random! I'm sleeping with the radio on and the door wide open so the cat can get in and join me, which he also don't allow because she bites his feet. I tell him if he wouldn't fling them around all night, she wouldn't think they were toys, but he never listens....
Sweet Dreams!
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Music in the classroom? Have you really thought about it?
on Oct 28, 2004
There is truly nothing better than getting a whole bed after a long period of shared sleeping quarters. On the other hand, there is nothing worse than a long period of isolated sleep. I need a woman! help!
Texas Wahine
on Oct 28, 2004
Enjoy your night of freedom.
It's like he has a booty radar! I sleep with my back to him As soon as he senses my booty moves toward him, he wakes up within minutes and asks if I could move over "just a little."
My husband has a booty radar, too . . . only he uses it for evil . . . he he he
Tonite, it'll be different! I'm changing the sheets so they are crisp and cold, sleeping with the wondow wide open (yes, in Minnesota!) so it gets nice and cold in there. I'm sleeping across the bed the wrong way with pillows strewn everywhere and all the blankets I can find piled on at random! I'm sleeping with the radio on and the door wide open so the cat can get in and join me, which he also don't allow because she bites his feet.
Sounds great. Sleep tight, and don't let the bed bugs bite!
on Oct 28, 2004
the only thing biting is the cat, and she usually leaves me alone...!
on Oct 29, 2004
OMG thank you for sharing this, i am still giggling while typing. My bf always gives me hell in the morning when sleep at his place cuz apparently i steal the whole blanket and he wakes up freezing while i'm all warm.
I sometimes hit him in my sleep too. Once i elbowed his eye when i rolled around. (OUCH!)
Heh, all i can say is that i do uncounsciously what he counsciously deserves sometimes... I confess I wonder how he stands me... Aaah, because i'm so lovable that's right
Havea good nite Lizard
You only get it once in a while!
on Oct 29, 2004
...oh...man...I miss autumn nights in Minnesota...there's nothing like having that window open so you can cuddle real low in the covers and get all nice and warm....*sighs*...
One day...one day I'll be back.
on Oct 29, 2004
So there I am, hugging the edge of the bed to get away from the insomniatic flailing armed creature, trying to sleep, with the matress I am laying on floating in mid-air!
Nice post lizard, and I definitely dig this line...fantastic description.
on Oct 29, 2004
So true-your description is oh so true. I find cute humor in this article as knowing both of you I can picture it all in my mind!
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