I find this humorous.
This weekend, my brother and his good friend, a firefighter, went a meeting of the republicans in their city. They had recieved the tickets for free from the fire department and decided it would be at least an interesting experience.
Before sitting down, they were looking around at the stands that were set up selling Bush gear. There was a sales woman, like many, trying to get them to buy a shirt. They said no twice, and she continued. (I'm not ripping on her because I know she was just doing her job.) Upon a third attempt to get them to buy a shirt, my brother said in frustration, "There is no fucking way I'm going to buy a shirt that says Bush on it." They proceeded to walk away, find their seats, and sit down.
Fifteen minutes later, 4 police and one other official came and escorted them out of the building. Of course, my brother asked why they were not allowed to stay. The response was "You two look conspicuous."
Conspicuous? Right....They got kicked out for lipping off to the sales lady.
My brother (and his friends) don't take things like this lightly.
They walked around the area until they found the anti-Bush demonstrators, which was about people with signs. They explained what had happened and lead the group back to the building, where they marched around and around it. I can't help but feel proud...(he is my little brother).