Read through the end of the label...haha. They're so sneaky!

Comments (Page 3)
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on Nov 22, 2004
The label should say......

"Bush is an idiot, but democrats lost twice to him. So what does that make them?"
on Nov 22, 2004
"Bush is an idiot, but democrats lost twice to him. So what does that make them?"

Now That's the funnies thing in this thread!

But I still wouldn't put that Bush in an idiot, he may be, but we as americans have to respect the office that he holds.......
on Nov 22, 2004
As everybody who knows me knows, I'm a stauch conservative republican... that said, I thought that was frickin awesome. Heck, I'd buy more clothes from them if they were around here. It's always refreshing to see that not everybody considers politics a thing only fit for arguing over.

on Nov 22, 2004
Whats truly funny is the general illiteracy of the 'leftists' that post, could you all POSSIBLY misspell more words while you are telling us how stupid we are?

Have some mercy! People make typos. Ideas and spread of knowledge are more inmortant.

Island Dog
"Bush is an idiot, but democrats lost twice to him. So what does that make them?"

It makes center right rather than far right, yet somehow they are portrayed as extreme leftist. What a bizarre world we live in. Come to think of, democrats only lost one election.

Respect the Office if even not the person

I doubt that's what Thomas Jefferson said in respect to the British Crown. How about respect humans because they are human. I give Bush the same respect that I give every other human. As a president, though, I don't respect him. That's ok, right?

This is really funny, but I wish that you would say who the company was so that I could make sure that if I am ever in France I will never buy anything from them!

Take some time, read the blog, that order.

Not to mention that it is a personal attack on the President of the United States as well. Sorry but I don't take well to someone printing such things about our president, no matter who he is.

Since when can we not critisize, joke about, or have negative feelings about our leaders? Come on!

Good job Left! You look like whining fools again !

Joke, joke, joke. Whining fools? No.

Reply By: zObeliskPosted: Sunday, November 21, 2004 I wish we woud have thought of this when clinton was in office.......imagine the fun companies could have had with underware labels then Garment stains, big girl underware (monica) hehe, underware for interns with special cigar pouches signed by Willy himself. Then there would be the Willy/Paula Jones line......don't get me started hahaha.-Z

I know! This would have been hilarious!

on Nov 22, 2004
(I'm here to tell you it started long, long before Bush became president, been there, seen it)

Half my family is French currently living in France and Luxembourg. DOn't act like you have the inside scoop with me.

on Nov 23, 2004
Can't you people read...

From the website : "Because the bags are sold in Canada, the instructions are also printed in French."
on Nov 23, 2004
Whats truly funny is the general illiteracy of the 'leftists' that post, could you all POSSIBLY misspell more words while you are telling us how stupid we are?

Ability to spell is not directly related to how smart you are.. I am one of worse spellers in joeuser. I am saved by IeSpell, however. There IS people with dyslexia. I don't know if I have it, I can read just fine.
on Nov 23, 2004
So if I print up a couple thousand tshirts with my signature phrase. "The only good Bush is a Shaved Bush, for those that want to drag God into it, a Burning Bush". I would be branded a Bush basher......

Well isn't that what "Bush" is for?
on Nov 23, 2004

That's kind of my view in general. I rarely resort to calling my opponents stupid. Glass houses/stones type thing.  Many of the people (not saying XX is like that) I see on-line calling Bush "idiot" or other such names are barely literate.

You should see some of the email I get from people who can barely put a sentence together yet still feel confident in calling Bush a "moron". Or better yet, those who consider Bush supporters "stupid" while they themselves care barely write.

on Nov 23, 2004

This was intended by leaping lizard as yet another joke. A joke. You see, sometimes, when folks want to get a point across, such as how irrelevant spelling is when replying to a blog (this is not anyone's dissertation), a little thing called "humor" is sometimes applied.

I don't normally pick on people for missing the point of a posting, unless they are engaged in doing the exact same thing they accuse their opponent's of doing (ie. behaving in a smug and superior manner).

on Nov 23, 2004
I dont normally pick on people for their spelling, (or grammar, in XX's case) unless they are engaged in telling others how 'stupid' they are, or how 'stupid' our President is....after that, I consider them fair game.

Maybe you should be emailing the company then, not ranting and raving on a blog. I don't think anyone on this blog said, "Yeah, our president is stupid," or even"Yeah, how fitting." They just commented on the humor of it, or stated how stupid it was.

Many of the people (not saying XX is like that) I see on-line calling Bush "idiot" or other such names are barely literate.

You should see some of the email I get from people who can barely put a sentence together yet still feel confident in calling Bush a "moron". Or better yet, those who consider Bush supporters "stupid" while they themselves care barely write.

You're acting pretty intellectually superior. This is something that gets thrown at the left an awful lot, but here you are...and you're right, right?


on Nov 23, 2004
I think it's a great idea. The French people will laugh. Then they will buy more shirts. Capitalism at its finest!
on Nov 24, 2004
You know what, either you didn't get the point of what I said (possible), or you chose to ignore it in order to get the last word in on this little sidetrack (also possible). Either is fine with me, but allow me to quote myself:
when folks want to get a point across, such as how irrelevant spelling is when replying to a blog

The operative term here is "irrelevant". Wait a minute, did I type too quickly and mispell "irrelevant"? Hmmm, maybe I should just stare at the word for a while and let's it's meaning sink in...

on Nov 24, 2004
I've just seen so many from the right that say, Kerry was a traitor cos he said the war was wrong, and you couldn't say that bout our prez.

or that you should respect the president. Don't say bad things bout the president.

Well, I feel that the label was talking bout Bush in particular, so the issue of respecting the office of president is irrelevant.

And, this is America! People the world over fawn over the fact that you have such freedom to speak out against your leaders, despite all the contempt. Are the right suppressing the very freedom they purport to spread to the world? All because "We shouldn't say such things about the president?"

And also, what's with the anti-French sentiments? For all you know, some of you would have ancestors with French blood in them. Why the racism? Because they told you the war on Iraq would not turn up any WMDs?
on Nov 24, 2004
Would any of you protect the office of president as fervently as you do if Kerry won?
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