thank you
Published on November 6, 2004 By LeapingLizard In Politics
Thank you wisefawn. Sadly, I haven't had the time to put together the blog that suggests, if not proves, in my book, that elections hardly mean a thing anymore. A deal between the Bush Dynasty and the makers of so many of the electronic voting machines has been created. The same company that makes the voting machines will be installing a wave of ATM machines in Iraq. Big surprise. It figures. Like everything else the Bush Dynasty does, it's all about the power and money. Yuck.

If anyone is interested, here is the link to the article.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 06, 2004

Reply #10 By: LeapingLizard - 11/6/2004 1:48:50 PM
Wisefawn, I really thinik you should leave JU and become a permanent resident of Democratic Underground.

That's just mean. I hope you said it with a sense of humor.

And why should he? It's HIS site, HE pays for it we don't. And in this case I support "my way or the highway"! Anyone not liking it can go start their own site.
on Nov 06, 2004

Reply #12 By: whoman69 - 11/6/2004 2:33:47 PM
for those of us who accepted Clinton as President, but did not like him, we never cried fowl just because he never won 50% of the vote. We did criticize him, and worked to defeat him, but he was our president.

If GWB is not your president, there are flights leaving the country every day. And if that is too pricey for you, you can drive north or south. But from what I hear, they dont want you either. Even they understand who won, and dont want malcontents coming to their countries either.

Baloney, the right piled on Clinton from day one of his presidency. They could not accept that the coattails of Reagan did not extend to '92. They had a "independent" special prosecutor who went after Clinton harder than the state of Florida went after Ted Bundy. How many other civil cases involving one person against one person have gone to a grand jury?

Your attitude of if you don't love Republicans then you don't love America, smacks of Nixonism at its worst. The last time I was out of my country I was serving in its armed forces. Once again it seems that Bush is relying on his state campaign chairman to secure a close election for him. Once might be an anomoly, twice is a pattern

Are you seeing conspiracies under every bush now?
on Nov 06, 2004

Reply #5 By: whoman69 - 11/6/2004 12:42:21 PM
Citizen Dr. Guy - 11/6/2004 11:15:16 AM
I thought all the whackos were on Seems I was wrong. Kerry lost by 3.5 million votes. he lost ohio by almost 200k. And ohio uses punch cards, not electronic voting machines.
It is really sad when there is no question of the victor, as there was in the days after 2000, that the losers cannot accept they are in the minority. Sad and pathetic.

Shows you don't pay attention to the news. There was a big stink in this area because the designer of the electronic voting machines, a resident of Ohio who had just won the contract to provide machines for that state, guarenteed a Bush victory in Ohio. I heard a report that Ohio actually uses 5 different methods of counting votes.

Shows that YOU don't pay attention.

Actually, that was the owner of the company that manufactures the most popular e-voting machine (Diebold Systems). And while I agree that e-voting machines are a needless security risk, they were not at issue in Ohio, because:

When [Ohio] Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell halted the purchase of new electronic voting machines on July 16 after two investigations identified 57 potential software and hardware security threats, North Canton, Ohio’s Diebold Electronic Systems’ dream of a $100 million contract with the state disappeared.

(from The Free Press, Ohio Department, 3 Sept 2004.)

Personally I hope that Diebold and its owner shrivel up and die (boldly?), but to imply (or state outright) that Diebold had a hand in some undefined shenanigans in votecounting is to make a charge that is completely unsubstantiatable.

on Nov 06, 2004

I'm so sick of hearing this...ahhh. I'm equally as sick of hearing people say they are going to Canada as I am of hearing Good Riddance and the such. I know it's not just you, either. I'm not trying to make a personal attack. I'm just sick of it. The only way to make this country better is to do it together.

LeapingLizard, I owe you an apology.  Like you, I have heard the threats so much, I mis-assumed you had made one.  I do not want to lose wise dissenters.  And I am glad you are willing to stay and work for change. I do not love GWB. I just felt he was the best choice this year.  perhaps we will be on the same side in the future.

In any event, accept my appology for my myopia.

on Nov 06, 2004

Baloney, the right piled on Clinton from day one of his presidency. They could not accept that the coattails of Reagan did not extend to '92. They had a "independent" special prosecutor who went after Clinton harder than the state of Florida went after Ted Bundy. How many other civil cases involving one person against one person have gone to a grand jury?

Your attitude of if you don't love Republicans then you don't love America, smacks of Nixonism at its worst. The last time I was out of my country I was serving in its armed forces. Once again it seems that Bush is relying on his state campaign chairman to secure a close election for him. Once might be an anomoly, twice is a pattern.

First, you are dead wrong.Second, teh Special prosecutor was appointed by Janet Reno. Third, we did give him a chance, but then he betrayed us with tax increases and Hilllary care.

Fourth, it is not our attitude of love us or leave us, it is your attititude.  You just cant accept your own faults and then projet them on us.  You are wrong on all accounts. 

You want to change things., then stay and fight.  But do not project your own biases and shortcomings on to everyone esle.  You will always be wrong then, and never understand.

on Nov 06, 2004

Ahem....the reason WF gets a "free pass" (in other words, very little dissention, or only dissention of the mildest sort) is that she has blacklisted any 'real' challengers to her consistently bizarre claims.

LW, that is only part of it.  Most of the rest of us just ignore her.  I do not read her postings, nor respond to any things she replies to.  She is not worth the effort.

on Nov 06, 2004
Thanks Dr.Guy. A voice of reason!
on Nov 06, 2004
Ahem....the reason WF gets a "free pass" (in other words, very little dissention, or only dissention of the mildest sort) is that she has blacklisted any 'real' challengers to her consistently bizarre claims. it's not because she's a woman...? Good. I was having a hard time handling that one.

on Nov 06, 2004
By the way, the fact that a person or company who supported the (successful) campaign then receives some amount of extra consideration shortly thereafter, is a pretty darn standard political quid pro quo arrangement. Happens all the time with both parties. The fact that it was a Voting Machine manufacturer is unfortunate, and is certainly worthy of extra scrutiny. But to immediately denounce both the party and the company as having reached some unholy, illegal arrangement, with NO scrutiny but rather based solely on this little bit of quid pro quo is, frankly, just as outrageously silly as claiming that oil dropping back to the $50/barrel range (less than 10% off its all-time high, by the way) was somehow orchestrated as part of the campaign strategy in some sort of "Look, gas isn't quite as hideously and obnoxiously expensive! All Praise Bush!" maneuver.
on Nov 07, 2004
Thats her right, but its also somewhat abusive of the "free exchange of ideas" that is supposed to occur on the forums, i mean, isnt interaction the whole POINT of the forums? And as far as syndication goes, all Draginol is doing by allowing this crap is letting her advertise her liberal causes absolutely free of charge. Link after link...address after address, plug after plug, and one conspiracy theory after another. And the deletion of all dissent.....

And, you and hubby bubby blacklisted me because...........................

Fact is, you hate it when people don't agree with you, whipsy. You attacked me on your hubby's post for absolutely no reason, other than I thought your Theresa cookie recipe post was petty bullshit. When hubby got involved, and I stated my case, you both blacklisted me, cuz you knew I was right. I really don't care, other than your hypocrisy, nastiness, racism and homophobia which you post in other's sites are endless, and to which you seem to take so much pride. Sheesh......................

Seems to me, you have no qualms about "advertising" conservative crap. Only liberal causes. You're a freakin' hypocrite, whipsy dipsy.

As for the "janky election", yeah it was. Thousands of votes weren't counted. Counts didn't add up. Diebold, the maker of the electronic voting machines, promised Bush a victory. I don't know whether the votes would have added up to a win for Kerry, though some people are absolutely positive that if counted fairly, he would have won. However, just because the counts were flakey is enough reason for anyone, even conservatives, to question whether democracy was upheld. Fact is, conservatives are just buying into the garbage cuz their fascist buddy boy "won". I am absolutely convinced that if his father, George HW was never president, Dubya never would have risen to the ranks he achieved. That, and janky elections, and he was a shoe-in.
on Nov 07, 2004
Reply #28 By: dabe - 11/7/2004 6:30:04 PM
As for the "janky election", yeah it was. Thousands of votes weren't counted. Counts didn't add up. Diebold, the maker of the electronic voting machines, promised Bush a victory. I don't know whether the votes would have added up to a win for Kerry, though some people are absolutely positive that if counted fairly, he would have won. However, just because the counts were flakey is enough reason for anyone, even conservatives, to question whether democracy was upheld. Fact is, conservatives are just buying into the garbage cuz their fascist buddy boy "won". I am absolutely convinced that if his father, George HW was never president, Dubya never would have risen to the ranks he achieved. That, and janky elections, and he was a shoe-in.

Here we go again! Yet "another" conspiracy theory! When are you guys going to get it? There was NOTHING wrong with the elections. If there had been the mere hint of impropriety , your bud Kerry would have not conceded and he would have had the FEC ALL over it. Can't you see that only you and the extreme left are buying into this? And BTW you were blacklisted because of your abusive attitude. Nothing more, nothing less.
on Nov 08, 2004

I am absolutely convinced that if his father, George HW was never president, Dubya never would have risen to the ranks he achieved. That, and janky elections, and he was a shoe-in.

And you are absolutely delusional.  Every count, every law says hat GWB won in 2000, and it was not even close in 04.  If you could accept the truth, you might be able to move on, and actually work constructively for the election of a liberal in 08.  But as long as you continue to live in a dream world, people will think of you as a crackpot and charter member of the "Keepers Of Odd Knowledge" society.  And hence dismiss you out of hand.

on Nov 08, 2004
"Diebold, the maker of the electronic voting machines, promised Bush a victory."

I did hear this. I find it fishy.

"There was NOTHING wrong with the elections."

I think there is something wrong with every election. It will never be perfect, and to think it is is only making this country less of a democracy. Come on...
on Nov 08, 2004

I think there is something wrong with every election. It will never be perfect, and to think it is is only making this country less of a democracy. Come on...

Given that statement, I have to agree with you.  However, while not perfect, it is accurate enough so that the errors tend to cancel each other out, and the results are fair and accurate.

When you have 120m people voting, there are going to be some snags and errors.  NOne are intentional, and only conspiracy theorists would find something diabolical in them.

on Nov 08, 2004
No, I meant what I said. And I'll go one step further, I've been on-line for years and I can tell you for a fact that if Wisefawn weren't female, she would not get the free pass on some of the nutty things she says.

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